Here are a few simple steps to taking a call request on LivesAlign:
1. Sign Up.
To be able to receive calls an Expert Advisor on LivesAlign, you first need to sign up as a user. You can sign up using your email or through Google+, Facebook, or Linkedin. It’s completely free to sign up.
2. Fill Out Your Profile
Populate your Basic Information in Profile Settings. Then, on the My Profile dropdown, click to Become an Expert. Be sure to follow these steps to apply to Become an Expert.
3. View Call Requests
Once approved and your Stripe payment information is connected, you can now start taking a call request. You will get an email notification to the email provided in your profile when a user has requested to have a call with you. Login to and go to the My Profile drop-down and select My Calls. There you will see call requests in different tabs:
- Pending – These are the calls awaiting approval from you to schedule
- Active – These are the calls that have been scheduled by the user and approved by you.
- Completed – Calls that have you had with a user that has ended.
- Canceled – Calls that the user canceled and are no longer scheduled to take place.
You can click into any of the call lines to see the Call Details (paid or unpaid, rate, duration of the call, estimated earnings payout, scheduled call time, and a link to the conference call on the day of the call)
4. Take Call Requests
Go to the My Profile drop-down and select My Calls. Select the Pending tab and view the calls awaiting a response from you. Click into a line item and view the 3 suggested call times. Select the one that works for your schedule by clicking Confirm this Date. If none of the times suggested work for your schedule then click Cancel at the bottom of the page. You have 72 hours to respond to the call request or else it expires.
5. Call Details
Once you accept a call date and time both parties, the user and Expert Advisor, get email notifications as to the schedule. The user is then prompted to prepays for the duration selected for the call.
After it is prepaid, you can go to the My Calls section in the My Profile dropdown and click on the Active tab to see the specific date and time scheduled for a call. By clicking on the line item for the call, it opens up a page that shows the user profile, and the Call Details are displayed.
6. Having the Call
Go to the My Calls section in the My Profile dropdown and click on the Active tab to see the specific date and time scheduled for a call. Click on the line item for the call, it opens up a page that shows the user profile and the Call Details. At the bottom of the page shows a button that links to Join the Call.
Select it and Enter the Room to start sharing your advice!
Here are some things you can do to prepare for your call.