How are rates for experts determined on LivesAlign?
September 12, 2020How do I take a call request?
September 12, 2020How do I promote my profile?
There are two ways to promote your profile on LivesAlign and enhance visibility. Implementing some of these suggestions increases your chances of booking more calls with users because they can find you more easily.
1) Optimizing your Profile and Listing(s) on LivesAlign for internal searches, and
2) Enhancing your Profile and Listing(s) in results of major search engines like Google and Bing
Your Internal Profile and Listing:
1. Title and Description
- Search Terms: Think about what users might search for to find your expertise. Then include those search keywords in your Title and Description if possible. For example, if a person is looking for advice and tools for improving their relationship with their partner they might search words like “Relationship Advice”, “Couples Counseling”, “Love Expert”.
- Experience: Include companies or clients that you’ve worked with, if appropriate.
- Education: Provide detailed descriptions of your accomplishments, credentials, licenses, education, and perhaps suggest some related tools & techniques you use.
2. Rate
- Competition: Browseand see what other Expert Advisors in the same category are charging for their services. Use this as a guide and adjust your rate according to your number of years of experience, credentials, and such. We recommend that an Expert Advisor that is new on the LivesAlign platform start with a slightly lower rate, to entice users to book a call with you so you can start getting quality reviews and building credibility internally. Then, adjust your rate as you get more reviews posted to your profile by users. Internal search results are populated by specific keyword input and quality ratings. Making sure your profile and expertise listings are filled out will ensure you are reaching the users looking for your kind of insight.
3. Complete Each Section
- Profile: Fill out all the fields available. In your biography, feel free to add your background, accomplishments, expertise, years of experience, and anything else you think might be valuable information for a user to know that differentiates you.
- Listing: You can have as many listings as you would like to highlight your areas of expertise. For example, if you are a Therapist, you can have a listing for Couples Counseling and another for Individual Therapy, if those are the areas you focus in
4. Photos – Having high quality and high-resolution photos are very important.
- You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression, so make it count. For profile photos, the kind that best displays on the LivesAlign platform are headshots of the person facing forward and from the shoulders up. For Listing photos, the kind that best displays on the LivesAlign platform are ones that have something to do with the topic. Pictures say 1000 words, so have your expertise listing have an image that reflects that subject.
External Searches
1. Be Social
- Each Profile Is Unique – You have your own unique URL. For example: so get your link and Post it to your blog, website, Instagram, Facebook page, and anywhere you have a profile.
- Share it out – Be sure to “tweet“, “like” and “+1” your profile, and let others know you are live on LivesAlign. Don’t be shy about asking your friends to help! Backlinks to your profile and/or your expertise listing from other websites can help you rank higher in major search engines.